Summer is here and we all get some much needed time to relax and recharge! The summer allows us time to take advantage of all the things that beautiful Wyoming has to offer. It also can allow us some time to participate in professional development without the stress of having to take time off and be away from our buildings. Here are three ideas (2 of which are FREE) for some professional growth and development this summer.
- The University of Wyoming’s ECHO sessions. If you haven’t already taken advantage of UW WIND’s ECHO sessions, I highly recommend them. During the school year, they offer live weekly or bi-weekly professional development in different domains including assistive technology, positive behavior supports, and autism. You can also sign up to do a case presentation and get ideas/supervision from experts in the field and other professionals across the state. During downtime in the summer, you can go back and watch previous sessions at your leisure! The ECHO model is a fantastic way to connect with colleagues across the state and keep your skills sharp. More information on UW ECHO sessions can be found here.
- Podcasts are great for long drives across Wyoming. I recently found a series of podcasts that are investigating intelligence and the use of IQ tests. Two of the episodes are already posted (The Miseducation of Larry P and Problem Space). Additional episodes in the series will be posted in the coming weeks. I’ve listened to the first two; both of them were very engaging and gave me lots to think about in my work with students.
- WSPA’s Summer Institute. This year our summer conference is providing the NASP PREPaRE Workshop 2! We will have two national trainers coming to provide this training over the course of 3 days. Registration is limited to 40 participants and we still have some room. More information on the NASP PREPaRE model can be found here. Registration for the conference in Jackson, WY can be found here.
I hope you all enjoy your summer and we hope to see many of you in Jackson for some learning and fun!
Thanks for the information. Never heard of the ECHO program.