Opportunity to Advocate for School Safety

***Post written by Rachel Roberts, GPR Liaison for WSPA*** July 17th was NASP’s Public Policy Institute (PPI) Virtual Hill Day, in which participants spent the day on Capitol Hill meeting with their elected federal officials.  The purpose of these meetings was to...

Medical cannabis relieves autism symptoms

***Post wriitten Michael Crane, Treasurer for WSPA*** I just read this blurb in a magazine and found it quite interesting.  A study performed by researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Soroka University Medical Center, both in Beersheba, Israel,...

Data-based Individualization

***Post Written by Dan Mayer, Public Relations Chair for WSPA*** Data-based individualization (DBI) is a research-based process for individualizing and intensifying interventions through the systematic use of assessment data, validated interventions, and...

Our Poor Neighbors, Our Poor Kids

***Post submitted by Bob Bayuk, Northwest Representative for WSPA*** The some of the following information was gathered from the APA Deep Poverty Initiative. Falling Below the Poverty Line Deep poverty is defined as a state in which an individual household’s annual...

Summer Reading

***Post written by Rachel Roberts, GPR Representative for WSPA*** Happy Summer Everyone! As much as the summer months are about recovering, relaxing, and resting, for me, it is also about preparing for the approaching school year.  I am making calendars, updating...

Summer Professional Development Ideas

Summer is here and we all get some much needed time to relax and recharge!  The summer allows us time to take advantage of all the things that beautiful Wyoming has to offer.  It also can allow us some time to participate in professional development without the stress...