“It’s a Social Story” – Is It, Really?

By Tracy Hed, Ph.D., SCSD#2, WSPA Ethics/Professional Standards Chair Perhaps many of you have had the same experience I have – you suggest to someone that Social Stories would be a good intervention for a child on the autism spectrum, and they say, “Yes, I know...

Mindful Reflections

**Post written by Tara Clapp, Conferences Chair for WSPA*** A couple of years ago, I was introduced to a New Year’s tradition by a good friend of mine.  On New Year’s Eve while gathered around a table full of loved ones, we all shared our rose, thorn, and bud from the...

Running IEP Meetings

***Post written by Sarah Perkins, President-Elect, Website Administrator, and Membership Chair for WSPA** I moved to a new school this year. At my old school, all of the SPED team members ran their IEP meetings in a similar way–the way that I had asked them to...